Sunday, April 26, 2009

Chives Bread humble try!

via Flagrante Delicia

my own photos

Flagrante Delicia posted the most delicious looking bread in her blog .. called Swedish Dill Bread.. well I made my version of that with added chives and I had no cheese so I added Yogurt..

it turned out fine ! I just forgot the Salt !!
oooh the salt is REALLY important ! hehe

P.S: No .. this is not turning into a Food blog.. but I'd like to share once in a while a few reciepes to add to this blog's deliciousness!



  1. Now I'm hungry. It looks just delicious and fluffy, with a perfect crumb! There's nothing like eating your own homemade bread!

  2. oh after this I'm thinking i'm making our bread everyday.. well.. every two days hehehe .. but will never forget Salt after this experience!thanks TheDecoDetective!

  3. oh, i've been on a bread kick lately, too. eating it, though, not making it (ha, ha)

  4. What a delicious blog you have here.. and I'm not only speaking of the edible stuff.
