Thursday, July 30, 2009

a BIG thank you to Kathy

The adorable Kathy from Creative Home Expressions featured my blog on hers. this is a very appreciated gesture .. she happens to have a blog full of ideas on interior design and decorating , as she is a certified interior decorator. Kathy , you just made my day!



  1. Congratulations! I found you though Kathy's post, and your blog is just beautiful.

  2. My pleasure! : ) I love discovering new blogs/people, and then I like to share them!

  3. I found your blog through Kathy's site and I have fallen in love with the visual journal! Keep those posts coming, because I am now your newest follower!!!!

  4. this is seriously empowering.. thank you so much Kathy and I'm so happy to find both of you Design Esquire and Chandra!
