Monday, March 16, 2009

Le Jardin

Dear Husband ,

You have asked me to search for some garden ideas and materials , I can't stop searching and I can tell you that its not an easy task , this is one of the lush french inspired garden ideas . with the "Island" created in the edge , filled with lots of pots and plants and flowers.

and How about this fire place? an exterior fire place.

Look at this flooring , the color , the warmth and the aging of the wood is what gives it the beautiful touch..

via Paris Hotel Boutique

more beautiful ideas to come in future posts.

Have a Wonderful Day ..




  1. oh those are beautiful and so inspiring! I really like the fireplace idea, it looks really warming :)

  2. The pots are the way to go! So movable and rearrangable, and much like when you get bored of the living room arrangement, you can create a completely different feel/space.

    Just remember that they dry out more quickly than the ground and they need more attention with the watering can to keep them damp and happy.

  3. Little Miss Tiara .. If you know any sourcing for this fireplace , please email me ! I'm interested in finding it!

    Farm Hanker.. Wow then if it dries more quickly.. it might not really be suitable for planting here in Kuwait's weather! the ground itself is drying.. so any other options?

  4. The photos of garden ideas are wonderful.I love the large pots sitting in the flower beds.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, and come back.


  5. I saw your post on the whitespraypaint blog.I wanted to say hello because I am an Interior Designer and lived in Dubai for 5 years. I am back in the States now, and recently started my blog called The Stylish House. I have enjoyed your photos and visiting your site. I look forward to getting to know you better.

  6. Laura and Cathy..thanks for stopping by:) your comments made my day..
