Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Tea Bar..

I've been in the mood for tea and more tea and anything that relates to tea or comes in the tea tray..



  1. You have such wonderful taste..You pick photos that I love..The first photo reminds me when we built here..I found A hutch in an antique shop in Knowlton..w/ all the little drawers...I wanted to incorporate it in our kitchen.. My husband is a lover of new and was reticent..
    I still regret not incorporating it:(

    I don't regret him though:)

    I have those little teas w/ the leaves in the pyramids..they are a treat for me.

    I just saved an empty tomato can for flowers:)

    You inspire to do things:)

  2. I love this post. I am a tea lover as well and would love to have company over sometime to have a little tea bar. With fall coming up soon, this would be the perfect beverage!

  3. LOVE that cabinet in the first picture...all the photos were beautiful!

    :) T

  4. I love this tea mood!

  5. A tea bar what a good idea and I love that cabinet.

  6. Macarons!

    I'd love one of those tea cupboards, but I know I'd only fill it full of odds and ends.

  7. are those little test-tubes of honey?! And I love the tea cabinet....

  8. aww I love this post! beautiful pictures! such a lovely inspiration! Beautiful Sunday afternoon with tea party! sounds amazing to me!

  9. Olá!
    Existem milhares de blogs por aí e considero todos especiais cada um a sua maneira. Alguns com Movimento, outros com alegria, muitos me inspiram e são referencia para o meu trabalho .
    O seu tem lindas dicas e imagens.Ficarei feliz se me seguir pelo GOOGLE FRIEND CONNECT, e eu te seguirei também !Espero sua visita . Bisous

  10. this is a super fantastic blog!
    i love it!

  11. I am new to blogging and have just come across your beautiful site. The photographs are amazing. I will definately be coming back again and again. Thankyou

  12. I'm just amazed with your blog!!!! It is all so beautiful and delicate. The pictures are gorgeous. I will follow your blog and please come and visit mine, it is in portuguese but you just google translate it. Larissa

  13. Love you blog and the beautiful, colourful pictures on it.

    Greeting from Sweden

  14. I love all the pictures but especially the TINS!!! They are gorgeous and so colorful and exotic. I also love the re-use of them as vased and cookie containers...

    If you get a chance, stop by my Blog for a visit and say hi! I just put up a new post...
    Have a great weekend,

  15. I love beautiful tea tins, and that first cabinet is eye-catching!

  16. LOVE the cabinet and all the yummy treats for tea... however I would love some champagne with all the treats... YUM!

  17. I love this little cabinet with all of the drawers. I love tea but I don't have a tea bar however I love to keep my tea bags in wonderful cute little tin cans especially vintage cans.
